Friday, May 17, 2013

Peer Review for Shelby Marsh

Hiiii!  : )

1) I think you did an excellent job of appealing to both sides in this argument. Although you stated your case firmly, you also had a tone that clearly showed that you want what is fair and just, and that will appeal to the other side. A skeptic will see that and I think they'll for sure be open to hearing your proposal with a more open mind. The paper shows that the issue will affect our whole country, so thats good. And no, the problem is not exaggerated. 

2) The skeptic might doubt the solution because to them the problem is not a "problem". But i think the author does a good job of showing the affects. The proposal is realistic and looks at the fact that it's a litltle too early to even see the long term affects of legalizing gay marriage. But it shows the major potential problems that are very realistic. 

3)The author shows how the benefits are much higher. She explains the good things that can come from not legalizing gay marriage. And how our nation has been built upon this steady foundation of marriage between a man and a woman and it should stay that way. 

4) The writer does anticipate opposing views but could maybe also address alternative solution from the opposing side. This could strengthen their already strong argument and views. 

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