Monday, May 6, 2013

6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You A Better Person

A lot of this article actually asks the audience in the text many of the same questions I was asking and thinking in my head. I think its brilliant when writers do that. So some of the questions I had were...

1) Is it really true that we have to change who we are in order to get something that we want?
2)"But why can't I find someone who just likes me for me?" you ask.
3) Why do we take constructive criticism as insult?
4) Is it really true that happiness takes effort? And is that "happiness"...true "happiness"?

Question 4

Ok. I'm kind obsessed with David Wong. The blunt-ness of his statements make you raise your eyebrows and and then nod you head in total agreement. Many of the questions he brings up are ones that I was just saying to myself. He convicts me on so many levels and topics. It made me think a lot about the way that I used to think. I am currently in the process of trying to get my health under control. Since High School I've consistently been ranging from 20-30 pounds overweight. My sisters and parents, who care for me like no one else does, tried to help me with words and support, but I ALWAYS took it as criticism and would say, "Why isn't the way I am right now good enough?" and "The person who i'm meant to be with will love me just the way I am." or "I am happy! Even though I'm not as skinny as Natalie(my size 2 sister) doesn't make me any less beautiful or happy. I like the way I look". But the truth is that I HATED the way I looked. To say I was unhappy was a major understatement. Wong is so right when he says, "Remember, misery is comfortable. It's why so many people prefer it. Happiness takes effort." I didn't want to change because I didn't want to go through the effort of getting healthy nor did I think I was capable of it. That was a year and a half ago when I was saying those things to my family. It wasn't until a few months ago when my thinking changed. It wasn't what anyone said to me but something shifted in my brain. I realized that the two things that could make me feel better about myself and physically change outward self into the person that matched my inside self, was God and I. I couldn't do it for anyone on the earth, it had to me for God and I. I needed to live up to the potential that God had for me. I believe that He wants us to be happy and be the best we can be and the best He had us to be. We can't expect happiness to just come to us. We have to seek that out. Its not easy. If it was easy, everyone would be happy. Well don't we want to live in a world where everyone finds happiness? But how would we know happiness without experiencing what unhappiness is? I have to give up my health to God everyday. Knowing that I can't expect change with out DOING something about it. I loved what Wong said,  "the process is the result." We need to get out and start the process of change,  you've already done something that way! 

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