Friday, April 26, 2013

Stepping off Maslow's Escalator

1) If all our your desires and goal for life are not met, does that make you a failure?

2) How did getting married, having 2 kids, living in a perfect house with a white picket fence, and a BMW become what most people think of as the ideal life?

3)Will our "selves" ever truly be happy without meeting all of our goals and desires we set for our lives?

Question #3
When I think of the things I want out of life, quite a few things come to mind. I want to transfer and graduate from a university, I want to get married, I want to have children, I want a job that I love, and I want to leave this world knowing that I loved as much as I could. Now then I look at the beginning of all those statements. They all begin with "i". It's just interesting that we all have these visions of what we want out of life and we have the choice and the power to make those things a reality. Some people may know exactly what they want and work their asses off to make it happen, and they may succeed. If they get all the things they ever wanted does that guarantee that they'll reach "self-actualization" and happiness? Well if that's what they wanted then ya! But I think that our desires for life are always changing. I think back to the things u thought I wanted out of life when I was 12 and now they're totally different. As Carl Rogers described the "real self" I think that is always changing.

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