Tuesday, April 23, 2013

C.S. Lewis, "Vivisection"

1) Even in times when pain is argued as necessary, is it right still?

2) Is man more important than animal?

3) In a world where Christian theological thinking, Darwinian, and Naturalistic frames of mind occurs, how do all those different types live peacfully?

4) Is it selfish for us as men to take the side of our own "species", simply because we ARE men?

I want to respond to question #2. It is intersting that this article was assigned this week. I'm in the process of reading the Bible. Im in the old testiment in the book of Leviticus. It is not my favorite book of the books of the Bible but it is necessary for me to read educate myself of the history of the Bible. Most of the book speaks of the traditons and many animal sacrifces that happened. Part of me didnt really understand why God would ask his children to sacrifice animals when they are "His creation and His creatures". I, like Lewis, was reminded in the gospel of Matthew chapter 6, verse 26,

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"

God tells us that we are more valued than animals. But when people hear that, then they may think the God is cruel and doesnt value animals as well. I choose to belive that God does in fact value animals very much. He created a heirarchy that puts humans above animals. We were his most valued and precious creation of all his works. It says in Genesis,

"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." 

So although, we are placed higher on the heirarchy, God still does not want us to have evil in our hearts. I liked that excerpt from Shakespeare, when the Queen wanted poison tested on "such creatures" and the doctor says, "Your Highness Shall from this practice but make hard your heart." I loved that. I think thats how God sees vivisection. We shouldnt be using animals like they are despensible and have no pity when they experience pain but also take ownership of the fact that we are more valued in Gods eyes. We can't harden our hearts and not have sentiment.

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