Friday, May 17, 2013

Peer Review for Shelby Marsh

Hiiii!  : )

1) I think you did an excellent job of appealing to both sides in this argument. Although you stated your case firmly, you also had a tone that clearly showed that you want what is fair and just, and that will appeal to the other side. A skeptic will see that and I think they'll for sure be open to hearing your proposal with a more open mind. The paper shows that the issue will affect our whole country, so thats good. And no, the problem is not exaggerated. 

2) The skeptic might doubt the solution because to them the problem is not a "problem". But i think the author does a good job of showing the affects. The proposal is realistic and looks at the fact that it's a litltle too early to even see the long term affects of legalizing gay marriage. But it shows the major potential problems that are very realistic. 

3)The author shows how the benefits are much higher. She explains the good things that can come from not legalizing gay marriage. And how our nation has been built upon this steady foundation of marriage between a man and a woman and it should stay that way. 

4) The writer does anticipate opposing views but could maybe also address alternative solution from the opposing side. This could strengthen their already strong argument and views. 

DRAFT 1 Proposal and Ethical Argument

Lura Hills
Professor Brown 
English 1B
17 May 2012
Beauty Pageants and their ugly truth
We all remember the tragic death of JonBenet Ramsey. She was a 6-year-old little girl who was murdered and found in her family home in Boulder, Colorado. Jon Benet was trained and groomed to be a beauty pageant princess, a child star in the role of a dazzling woman. Her mother was driven to promote JonBenet through pageant competition that attracted a lot of adult attention to such a little girl. Was her killer made more aware of her more because she was more in the spotlight, obsessed with her because she shined and stood out in beauty pageants?  Does anyone believe she would have been killed as she was if she had never been in the pageants?   Even if her pageant "career" had nothing to do with her death, could she have had a happier and higher quality of life in her short time in this world if she had not spent so much of her time trying to be perfect instead of just a little girl.
          I want to address the social issue of beauty pageants and its affect on little girls in their later life. Many things stem from this problem of beauty pageants. While it may seem harmless, and to some people it may seem beneficial to children, there is a strong ethical argument that the small child beauty pageant industry exploits parents and children in a way that causes emotional injury and social adjustment problems.   
Childhood is a time of being nurtured, of innocence, and being protected from avoidable risk of injury. Childhood free of hardship and stress is seen as pure and very highly valued. But it can be taken away in an instant when children are given more exposure and scrutiny than they can handle and cope with, and the effects could last a lifetime.   Beauty “contests” are slowly but surely stealing the innocence from the youth of this nation one by one. 
Thus, a show on TLC called, “Toddlers in Tiaras”, is a show that gives viewers an inside look at the lives and the beauty pageant process by following certain little girls and their parents and their journey. Most of the little girls are under 8 years old, they are whining, and don’t seem happy about the task of competing. Some little girls are airbrushed, have spray tans, false eyelashes, get their eyebrows waxed, and some even have fake teeth! After that they are then put on stage to dance around in little skimpy outfits to be judged on their “beauty”. 
Their whole self worth is put out there on the line to be dissected and then told whether or not they are up to the standard of the judges. One can only imagine what that must do to their innocence and confidence. Being judged and told at a young age that what you look like and your talents are what makes you important and matter can do major damage to your way of thinking and view of yourself. Now, I participated in sports ever since I was 6 years old, so I appreciate the value of competition and striving to do your best. There is however a big difference when it come to comparing sports and beauty pageants. Sports promote health and life lessons such as teamwork, selflessness, and hard work.  Then Beauty pageants are not really beneficial at all. The only thing that they promote is the outward appearance and the fact that that must be more important than their character and how they relate with others.
The affects are not limited to just the children on TV. Children at home are viewing it. They see the way these girls are getting praised or rejected and put in the spotlight and they think that’s what is beautiful. One of the little girls on the show Daisey Mae actually said, "Facial beauty is the most important thing, in life and in pageants”. I almost fell out of my chair when she said that! Daisey Mae’s thought process has to be very similar to the rest of her peers that are participating in these pageants. This warped way of thinking will drastically change the way they see themselves and can lead to major problems.
 I feel that the message from parents and adults is that to be valued kids need to satisfy a standard that cannot be sustained. Inability to be perfect or close to it lowers self-esteem, which makes it more imperative to “win” on and of the pageant stage. So it makes you wonder why doesn’t anyone see that many things in the media, like these shows on TLC, Toddlers in Tiaras, are contributing factors to the harmful effects of beauty pageants. When theres low self-esteem, some people tend to go the extreme to want to fix it, because they feel they have to conform to the standards the world projects into their minds. Eating disorders can be another harmful effect due to exposure to media of beauty pageants. According to the National Institute of Mental Health,  “Certain psychological factors predispose people to developing eating disorders. Most people with eating disorders suffer from low self-esteem, feelings of helplessness, and intense dissatisfaction with the way they look. Adolescent and young women account for 90 percent of cases of eating disorders.”
A lot of the routines of these girls are highly sexualized and ultra-inappropriate for their age. Their midriff is showing, the skirts are way too short, and their gyrating dance moves just send it over the top on the inappropriate scale. Even if they are just “performing” they are still absorbing the feeling of “acting” older than they are. This tells them that they are more of an adult rather than a child. To elaborate, when I see actors on stage, they practice for months to “become their characters”. I tend to think that when this happens they may take on some qualities or characteristics of that persona. So, the sexualization of theses little girls can be another factor in harming their later lives. When they see programs on TV like Toddlers in Tiaras and the little girls getting all that attention these previous arguments are the effects. “A report of the American Psychological Association (APA) released found evidence that the display of sexualized images of girls and young women in advertising, merchandising, and media is harmful to girls' self-image and healthy development.” Childhood is complicated enough, so simplicity and challenges that young people can handle are better than holding them to age inappropriate adult standards.

            A study conducted by researchers at Rutgers University from 2002, found that “only 23% of pageant winners had a "normal" body mass index (BMI), 26% were so thin they met the World Health Organization's criteria for being undernourished and two would have been classified by the American Psychiatric Association as anorexic.” That number is upsetting to hear. Endless issues come with the social problem of beauty pageants.
 So with the issue stated, what can change to stop the harm that is coming along with exposure and participation in beauty pageants? There are options to change the outcome of these contests. One step, Parents should be educated on what they teach their children and what society values in their children. Campaigns can be started to educate parents, children and pageant members about those things that society values such as inward self-esteem, self-worth, and healthy living. There’s a lot of issues in out social society today. All of which can be solved but it ultimately has to start with the home environment. Although many who are involved in the pageant world don’t see that they are causing a nationwide problem, they are. The fact that they don’t see it must mean that they are caught in a vicious cycle that started with the homes they grew up in. The term “pageant mom” is thrown around a lot. It seems like those moms are living vicariously through their kids. Lisa J. Rapport, who is a psychology professor at Wayne State University in Detroit. She began a study on 74 past young performers on television and in film. She came to the conclusion and said, “Mothers who served as managers were likely to have a far less stable and positive relationship with their children than were mothers who kept business separate.” To mix that aspect into a mother-daughter relationship will cause unhealthy dynamics.         So it all starts with the parents. Martina Cartwright’s fairly recent article entitled, “What Are We Teaching Our Girls”, talks about the things that get embedded into children’s heads about what the work values in them. Cartwright is a registered dietitian who has a Ph.D. in Nutritional Science and Biomolecular Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Adults need to be aware of the potential long-term impact super-competitive, beauty-driven pursuits can have on a young girl's psyche.  Intense participation in activities that spotlight physical appearance instills the idea that physical beauty and superficial charm are the keys to success, thus making self-worth and self-esteem inextricably tied to attractiveness.” (Cartwright) Growing up, what my parents thought of me was very important. Every child wants to be told that they make their family proud and they are valued. Girls in pageants need to be told that their outward beauty is valued to a certain extent but it’s their character and hearts that are truly what makes them beautiful.
           Campaigns that can educate on a smaller scale are a solution too. One campaign called Pull the Pin, is a organization of women that speak out against beauty pageants. Catherine Manning is the Founder and Coordinator of the Pull the Pin campaign. They are based in Australia and their efforts seem to be making a change and getting their views out there. Manning and company say that if the pageants are to continue there needs to be some regulations unless they want to continue to contribute to the harm that’s being done on the next generation of young girls. “We’d like to see some sort of legislation, some sort of age restriction applied to competitions where physical beauty is judged,” Ms Manning said.“I don’t like the idea of little girls being pitted against each other in a beauty competition regardless of what they’re wearing. Even if they’re going to stand together and be judged and rewarded solely on their appearance, it’s morally wrong.”I agree with Manning on proposing that if beauty pageants are to continue, something has to change. It cannot only be based on the outward things. There should also be a age restriction. Age 16, if any, is when they should be allowed to participate. That was they are old enough where they can choose to engage if they desire to. Also I think that they should no longer be names “Beauty Contests”. Another name should be given. Perhaps, “Talent show”, or something else that doesn’t sound so obvious and intimidating. I also propose that all shows on television that glorify and encourage these shows should be removed.          All efforts can be made but ultimately, it needs to start in the way that these little girls are brought up. We can’t stop parents from putting their children in beauty pageants forever but we can encourage them not to. Put your kids on a sports team, a dance class, or a singing club. That way they still experience healthy competition that encourages them to try their best. Parents need to bring their kids up with the mentality that these pageants are not a qualified judge of your beauty, character, and soul. 

1) Published on August 12, 2011 by Martina M. Cartwright, Ph.D., R.D. in Food For Thought, Child Beauty Pageants: What Are We Teaching Our Girls?,
2) Pull the Pin Campaign,
3) Beauty Pageants Expose Ugly Truths, Kristina Ioannou, Seotember 2011
4) American Psychological Association
5) National Institute of Mental Health
6) Dear Dominique Ramirez (Former Miss. San Antonio), Dear Dominique Ramirez (Former Miss. San Antonio Who Was Fired)Published on March 20, 2011 by Susan Albers, Psy.D. in Comfort Cravings

Monday, May 6, 2013

6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You A Better Person

A lot of this article actually asks the audience in the text many of the same questions I was asking and thinking in my head. I think its brilliant when writers do that. So some of the questions I had were...

1) Is it really true that we have to change who we are in order to get something that we want?
2)"But why can't I find someone who just likes me for me?" you ask.
3) Why do we take constructive criticism as insult?
4) Is it really true that happiness takes effort? And is that "happiness"...true "happiness"?

Question 4

Ok. I'm kind obsessed with David Wong. The blunt-ness of his statements make you raise your eyebrows and and then nod you head in total agreement. Many of the questions he brings up are ones that I was just saying to myself. He convicts me on so many levels and topics. It made me think a lot about the way that I used to think. I am currently in the process of trying to get my health under control. Since High School I've consistently been ranging from 20-30 pounds overweight. My sisters and parents, who care for me like no one else does, tried to help me with words and support, but I ALWAYS took it as criticism and would say, "Why isn't the way I am right now good enough?" and "The person who i'm meant to be with will love me just the way I am." or "I am happy! Even though I'm not as skinny as Natalie(my size 2 sister) doesn't make me any less beautiful or happy. I like the way I look". But the truth is that I HATED the way I looked. To say I was unhappy was a major understatement. Wong is so right when he says, "Remember, misery is comfortable. It's why so many people prefer it. Happiness takes effort." I didn't want to change because I didn't want to go through the effort of getting healthy nor did I think I was capable of it. That was a year and a half ago when I was saying those things to my family. It wasn't until a few months ago when my thinking changed. It wasn't what anyone said to me but something shifted in my brain. I realized that the two things that could make me feel better about myself and physically change outward self into the person that matched my inside self, was God and I. I couldn't do it for anyone on the earth, it had to me for God and I. I needed to live up to the potential that God had for me. I believe that He wants us to be happy and be the best we can be and the best He had us to be. We can't expect happiness to just come to us. We have to seek that out. Its not easy. If it was easy, everyone would be happy. Well don't we want to live in a world where everyone finds happiness? But how would we know happiness without experiencing what unhappiness is? I have to give up my health to God everyday. Knowing that I can't expect change with out DOING something about it. I loved what Wong said,  "the process is the result." We need to get out and start the process of change,  you've already done something that way! 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Stepping off Maslow's Escalator

1) If all our your desires and goal for life are not met, does that make you a failure?

2) How did getting married, having 2 kids, living in a perfect house with a white picket fence, and a BMW become what most people think of as the ideal life?

3)Will our "selves" ever truly be happy without meeting all of our goals and desires we set for our lives?

Question #3
When I think of the things I want out of life, quite a few things come to mind. I want to transfer and graduate from a university, I want to get married, I want to have children, I want a job that I love, and I want to leave this world knowing that I loved as much as I could. Now then I look at the beginning of all those statements. They all begin with "i". It's just interesting that we all have these visions of what we want out of life and we have the choice and the power to make those things a reality. Some people may know exactly what they want and work their asses off to make it happen, and they may succeed. If they get all the things they ever wanted does that guarantee that they'll reach "self-actualization" and happiness? Well if that's what they wanted then ya! But I think that our desires for life are always changing. I think back to the things u thought I wanted out of life when I was 12 and now they're totally different. As Carl Rogers described the "real self" I think that is always changing.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

C.S. Lewis, "Vivisection"

1) Even in times when pain is argued as necessary, is it right still?

2) Is man more important than animal?

3) In a world where Christian theological thinking, Darwinian, and Naturalistic frames of mind occurs, how do all those different types live peacfully?

4) Is it selfish for us as men to take the side of our own "species", simply because we ARE men?

I want to respond to question #2. It is intersting that this article was assigned this week. I'm in the process of reading the Bible. Im in the old testiment in the book of Leviticus. It is not my favorite book of the books of the Bible but it is necessary for me to read educate myself of the history of the Bible. Most of the book speaks of the traditons and many animal sacrifces that happened. Part of me didnt really understand why God would ask his children to sacrifice animals when they are "His creation and His creatures". I, like Lewis, was reminded in the gospel of Matthew chapter 6, verse 26,

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"

God tells us that we are more valued than animals. But when people hear that, then they may think the God is cruel and doesnt value animals as well. I choose to belive that God does in fact value animals very much. He created a heirarchy that puts humans above animals. We were his most valued and precious creation of all his works. It says in Genesis,

"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." 

So although, we are placed higher on the heirarchy, God still does not want us to have evil in our hearts. I liked that excerpt from Shakespeare, when the Queen wanted poison tested on "such creatures" and the doctor says, "Your Highness Shall from this practice but make hard your heart." I loved that. I think thats how God sees vivisection. We shouldnt be using animals like they are despensible and have no pity when they experience pain but also take ownership of the fact that we are more valued in Gods eyes. We can't harden our hearts and not have sentiment.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ethical Argument: Beauty Pageants and their UGLY TRUTH

Lura Hills
Professor Brown
English 1B
15 April 2013
Beauty Pageants and their ugly truth
We all remember the tragic death of JonBenet Ramsey. She was a 6-year-old little girl who was murdered and found in her family home in Boulder, Colorado. Jon Benet was trained and groomed to be a beauty pageant princess, a child star in the role of a dazzling woman. Her mother was driven to promote JonBenet through pageant competition that attracted a lot of adult attention to such a little girl. Was her killer made more aware of her more because she was more in the spotlight, obsessed with her because she shined and stood out in beauty pageants?  Does anyone believe she would have been killed as she was if she had never been in the pageants?   Even if her pageant "career" had nothing to do with her death, could she have had a happier and higher quality of life in her short time in this world if she had not spent so much of her time trying to be perfect instead of just a little girl? I want to address the social issue of beauty pageants and its affect on little girls in their later life. Many things stem from this problem of beauty pageants. While it may seem harmless, and to some people it may seem beneficial to children, there is a strong ethical argument that the small child beauty pageant industry exploits parents and children in a way that causes emotional injury and social adjustment problems.   
Childhood is a time of being nurtured, of innocence, and being protected from avoidable risk of injury. Childhood free of hardship and stress is seen as pure and very highly valued. But it can be taken away in an instant when children are given more exposure and scrutiny than they can handle and cope with, and the effects could last a lifetime.   Beauty “contests” are slowly but surely stealing the innocence from the youth of this nation one by one. 
Thus, a show on TLC called, “Toddlers in Tiaras”, is a show that gives viewers an inside look at the lives and the beauty pageant process by following certain little girls and their parents and their journey. Most of the little girls are under 8 years old, they are whining, and don’t seem happy about the task of competing. Some little girls are airbrushed, have spray tans, false eyelashes, get their eyebrows waxed, and some even have fake teeth! After that they are then put on stage to dance around in little skimpy outfits to be judged on their “beauty”. 
Their whole self worth is put out there on the line to be dissected and then told whether or not they are up to the standard of the judges. One can only imagine what that must do to their innocence and confidence. Being judged and told at a young age that what you look like and your talents are what makes you important and matter can do major damage to your way of thinking and view of yourself. The affects are not limited to just the children on TV. Children at home are viewing it. They see the way these girls are getting praised or rejected and put in the spotlight and they think that’s what is beautiful. One of the little girls on the show Daisey Mae actually said, "Facial beauty is the most important thing, in life and in pageants”. I almost fell out of my chair when she said that! Daisey Mae’s thought process has to be very similar to the rest of her peers that are participating in these pageants. This warped way of thinking will drastically change the way they see themselves and can lead to major problems.
 The message from parents and adults is that to be valued kids need to satisfy a standard that cannot be sustained.  Inability to be perfect or close to it lowers self-esteem, which makes it more imperative to “win” on and of the pageant stage. According to the National Institute of Mental Health,  “Certain psychological factors predispose people to developing eating disorders. Most people with eating disorders suffer from low self-esteem, feelings of helplessness, and intense dissatisfaction with the way they look. Adolescent and young women account for 90 percent of cases of eating disorders.”
A lot of the routines of these girls are highly sexualized and ultra-inappropriate for their age. Their midriff is showing, the skirts are way too short, and their gyrating dance moves just send it over the top on the inappropriate scale. Even if they are just “performing” they are still absorbing the feeling of “acting” older than they are. This tells them that they are more of an adult rather than a child. So, the sexualization of theses little girls can be another factor in harming their later lives. “A report of the American Psychological Association (APA) released found evidence that the display of sexualized images of girls and young women in advertising, merchandising, and media is harmful to girls' self-image and healthy development.”
Childhood is complicated enough, so simplicity and challenges that young people can handle are better than holding them to age inappropriate adult standards.

Shooting an Elephant

How are there people in the world that do not feel bad about torturing animals?

Was it really peer pressure that drove the European to kill the elephant?

Could have there been another way for him to feel like he could’ve been accepted by the people and not have killed the elephant?

This article reminded me of this movie that I watched when I was little, Mighty Joe Young. It was about a woman, Jill, who raises a giant gorilla that has been being hunted by poachers. For their safety they relocate to the US, but there Joe is still hunted by another group of people running a fake wildlife preserve and selling the animals organs on the black market for money. Watching this as a little girl, I just didn’t understand why someone would want to kill animals for money and have no remorse. I think that the only reason we should kill animals is for food, even then I don’t like to think of animals being killed for me to eat. But that’s the point, I feel bad thinking about that, and its not for money like these people do. Poachers kill animals for money and get a sort of sick pleasure out of doing so. That’s what confused me when I was little and to this day reading the article it made me angry that there are people who don’t have any regard of the animals. It made me angry that the European killed the animal just to make himself look better. He looks more weak in my eyes that anything because he thought that only way to please the people was to do what he did. If he was really brilliant he should have found some other way, or not have cared what they thought.